I live in Victoria, BC, Canada and have a mundane offline life. I will mention that I enjoy playing computer games, reading, and volunteering.
I have been blogging since early 2003. I read We Blog (by Bausch , Haughey, and Hourihan) and knew I wanted to blog.
Victoria Update
I created Victoria Update on March 04, 2003. Here is part of the introductory post:
Victoria Update Email Newsletter began as an infrequent series of emails from the Student Rights Project to agencies and individuals interested in our symposium. On June 11, 2002 I reworked the newsletter and began publishing on the 15th and 30th of each month. Currently Victoria Update is distributed by email across Canada and to England.
Victoria Update's purpose is to "Promote education and communication within the Mental Health Community". I hope that the weblog version of Victoria Update continues to fulfill this purpose.
The 'weblog version' never caught on. Part of the problem was that our project was winding down and there was no incentive to build another readership base. The blog was a fun place for me to experiment and learn. I tried to revive Victoria Update in 2004 but found that it just wasn't working. I let the blog die but never deleted it.
In June of 2003 I was ready to try something different. I wanted some privacy so I used a pseudonym and chose another platform. Firemind started at Diaryland and was eventually transferred (by hand!) to Blogger. It is my personal blog and has over 1100 posts. It is a showcase of good and bad blogging techniques. I'll let you decide which post fits which category.
The Demo Blog
A call for help at Flickr began an interesting period of my blogging life. The Demo Blog was a teaching blog and it worked quite well. The blog became the focus of a community of bloggers. We shared ideas, read each other's blogs, and participated in Our Photoblog. Some of the people involved in that project joined other group blogs I managed. Some of them are still friends.
A Passion For Blogging
Big Blog Directory is the latest in a series of blogging experiments. It too involves me trying to find new ways to express myself and build a community of bloggers.
I blog because I enjoy writing and sharing my ideas with others. Blogging allows me to interact with people from all over the world. This blog allows me to help new bloggers and spotlight veterans who are doing interesting things.
I am not an expert who claims to know everything. I am just someone with a passion for blogging who likes to share ideas.