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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I Want To Be An SOB

One of the things I like most about blogging is that I get to 'meet', and sometimes work with, all types of people. I admin various group blogs and try to turn each into a mini community. I do this for two reasons: I like blogging and I like to support/encourage other bloggers.

Working with other bloggers has been very rewarding. I have learned a lot from them and have helped some of them. Some of these people remain friends after they quit blogging.

People who know me probably get tired of me talking about blogging or interesting blogs. I tend to browse blogs a lot and I may mention one or two I think the person might like. Creating and promoting BBD has given me lots to talk/write about.

Last week I followed a series of links from Blog Herald and ended up at Successful Blog. It was there that I learned about being an SOB (Successful And Outstanding Blogger). Normally I don't get too excited about 'being professional' when blogging because I do it for fun. I was interested in seeing what useful information the blog offered either onsite or through links. I found lots of interesting stuff.

I like how Liz brings together many different ideas and people. I found this very apparent during the Tuesday night Open Comment sessions. Discussions take place in blog comments and can cover everything from business ideas to food and jokes. Sometimes the conversations can get silly and that's part of the fun.

I plan to blog about building community at some point. I will probably mention Successful Blog again because the Tuesday night sessions do bring people together. We interact and check other participants' blogs. (I always use the BBD URL to promote this blog).

I want to be an SOB. I am not talking about getting a cool button for my blog and getting linked. (Although that would be nice). I want to be a successful blogger on my own terms. One who writes the best way he can, who supports other bloggers, and one who is passionate about blogging. If I can do those things I guess I am an SOB.